Season 4 Episode 8
First Date Food Options And Slop Topping Shrimp


The first date is for making the best first impressions - so why jeopardize that by eating the wrong food? Below are some of the foods we believe will set you in the wrong!

Pho/Hot Pot/Hot Soups

As much as they might sound like a safe option, it really depends on your tolerance to heat. Peter and I are fellow big boys and we would immediately start sweating if there was boiling hot substances in front of us. If you can handle the heat, then this option isn’t totally off the list, but we would play it safe.

Cajun/Boiling Crab/Seafood Boil

This should be a hard pass for most. We love a good seafood boil like everyone else, but this is probably the most inelegant form of eating known to man. You’re bibbed up, gloved up, sauce dripping everywhere and so is your date - nothing romantic to see here. Of course, if you’ve been friends for a long time prior to any romance, maybe you’ve already broken the barrier. If not, avoid eating this at all cost.

Chicken Wings

This one was definitely up for hot debate. On one hand, it’s saucy and messy… on another… You can find out a lot about the other person by how they eat their chicken wings. Do they eat the chicken clean? Order all flats? Eat… Boneless…? People are generally really passionate about their wings options so there might be too many opinions in play.

Listen to the episode for the full details and explanations!