Season 4 Episode 7
XAROS-LY?: Starting a Band & Making Music Ft. Jeremy and Marvin (XAROS)
What do you get when you combine two childhood friends who love rock and electronic music? You get XAROS. With Jeremy (left) as main vocals and Marvin (right) as their producer, they have released original songs such as Here & Now and Wish I Could Say.
Q: How did you guys come up with the name?
A: We were at a taqueria and we had this idea to start to make music. We asked our other friend “Hey… we need a band name.” Jeremy said “Hey, how about one of those names from Runescape?”
Q: How do you draw inspiration for your music?
A: It’s a combination of EDM, Pop funk, and all our childhood influences. Jeremy came from a background of cheesy love songs from KOIT. As he grew older, he was exposed to music from Green Day and others artists of the like. Marvin was born into Linkin Park, Green Day, Muse. As Marvin got older, he grew into EDM.
Q: What’s your process when you make music?
A: There’s three ways that we come up with a song.
Marvin makes a bunch of instrumentals and sends it to Jeremy.
One of us gets really into a specific song and we push really hard for it.
We have a really good beat, but we let it sit for a while.
Listen to the episode for the full details and explanations!