Season 4 Episode 5
R/ASKASIANS: Responses To Questions on AskAsians
Ever wondered what burning questions the world had for Asians… well… we wondered… and there’s no better place for us to find these questions than Reddit! Honestly, we expected questions like “why do you take off your shoes before going inside the house” or “is wearing chopsticks cultural appropriation,” but those really were just a minority to the abundance of interesting questions that lived on this subreddit page. We picked three of our favorite questions and tackled them on in this episode!
Q1: Full Asian people, what do you think about half/mixed Asian people?
Our Answer: We have nothing against interracial Asians. We personally aren’t into gate keeping the culture and it’s very much yours as it is ours. The only things we ask is to give credit where it’s due and don’t play down our side just for perks of another.
Q2: Do you feel offended when an Asian from another country plays an Asian from a country that they’re not from?
Our Answer: Short answer - it depends. We like Asian representation in media, but if there are clearly better casting options then we might get a little miffed.
Q3: Why do all my Asian neighbors stare at me while I’m working in my driveway and ignore me when I greet them as they stare at me?
Our Answer: It’s nothing personal. They are probably just fascinated by something they are seeing in their life for the first time. You might get ignored simply because of a language barrier.