Season 4 Episode 10
Asian Americans on Traveling


Traveling is amazing! Going to new places and experiencing local cultures is something you can never replicate unless you go out there and do it. However, as Asian Americans, there are places that we would be uneasy with going to. Sometimes its as simple as there isn’t anything out there in our interest, but sometimes it could also be dealing with the off-chance we run into racism and bigotry - especially in this political and health crisis. We hope this episode can give everyone some insight on what it’s like traveling in our shoes and maybe take what we said into consideration for yourself or for your group if you are traveling with your Asian American buddies! As always, these are our opinions and we don’t expect our ideas to be used as a blanket statement for ALL Asian Americans.

Places we wouldn’t mind visiting

When it comes to locations, big cities are great. Generally speaking, these are areas with either a developed Asian population or are more open to diversity. Perks of traveling to bigger cities can be finding more familiar foods (or even traveling for specific foods), more activities for everyone, and can be easier to travel around if there is more public transportation. In our case, we really love to travel for food while Peter and Lauren also likes to do bougie things. We feel like Asian Americans are also embracing the great outdoors much more so if you can find a city/area with some amazing greenery, that’s also a plus.

Places we would mind visiting

We all agreed that places with closed-minded people sends red flag warnings. Many places in the rural areas of the US are still very closed-minded and do not embrace diversity as much. We’re sure there are beautiful and vibrant places there, but as for now, they fall lower on our priority list of places we would like to go to when traveling is more accessible.

As always guys, thanks for listening/reading! Listen in to the episode for the full details and stories!

This episode is our Season Finale! We will be coming back with great content for Season 5, so stay tuned! In the meantime, feel free to catch up on previous episodes.